Friday, October 11, 2024

2024 Year End Points & Eligibility

 Here are point Standings going into the Year End Awards Show being held on NOV. 9th, 2024!

  • IF your name is highlighted in YELLOW - You must show in one of the last two SSF 2024 show dates(10/19 or 11/9) to be eligible to receive any Year End Awards.
  • IF your name is highlighted in RED - You must at BOTH of the last two dates (10/19 & 11/9) to be eligible to receive any Year End Awards.
Here are the YEAR END Awards Point Standings, again based on show attendance - we have a 4 show minimum to be eligible:

Friendly Reminder: There is still plenty of time to Pre-Enter for the 10/19 SSF Open Show! Don't wait to Pre-Enter! The online Pre-Entry Form CLOSES at 10PM on Wednesday, 10/16.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Standings after the 9/28/24 show & other Horse Show NEWS!!!

The current Point Standings can be viewed by clicking on the link provided:

The online Pre-Entry Form for the Oct. 19th SSF show is NOW OPEN & accepting pre-entries for that show!

The online pre-entry form closes at 10 PM on Wednesday, Oct. 16th.

You can pre-enter for the Oct. Show here:

You will notice there are two Costume Classes (a Youth & Adult class), please enter accordingly!


Our Year End Show is NOW on Nov. 9th!!!

To Qualify for Year End Awards you had to have shown at least 4 - SSF shows in 2024!

You must be present to receive your Year End Awards, as none will be mailed. You can have a picker-upper present at the show, but please let us know so we don't send your awards home with the wrong person. OR arrangements can be made for pickup from the farm or 360 Farm & Pet.