$12.00 per Class - Pre-Entry
(Pre-entries are DUE by 10 PM the Wednesday before the show date)
Please read over class descriptions and show rules to make sure you(or your horse) qualify for classes and also so no rules are broken.
2025 Class Schedule
English/Hunter Classes
T.I.P. Hunter In Hand
Open Hunter In Hand
Open Hunter Showmanship
Open(English or Western) Leadline
Open (English or Western) Peewee Walk
12 & Under Hunter - w/t- 50/50
12 & Under Hunter - w/t - 100% Rider
12 & Under Hunter - w/t - Pattern
Open Green Horse/Pony – Hunter 50/50 w/t
Open Green Horse/Pony – Hunter 100% Horse – w/t
Open Green Horse/Pony – Hunter w/t Pattern
Open Novice Rider – Hunter 50/50 - w/t
Open Novice Rider – Hunter 100% Rider w/t
Open Novice Rider – Hunter w/t Pattern
T.I.P. Open TB English Pleasure W/T Class
Adult Hunter Under Saddle – w/t
Adult HUS - GAYP
Adult HUS - w/t/c
Adult HUS - Eq. on the Flat
Youth Hunter Under Saddle – w/t
Youth HUS – GAYP
Youth HUS – w/t/c
Youth HUS – Eq. on the Flat
Crossrails 18” – Course A
Crossrails 18” – Course B
Crossrails 18” – w/t Flat
Suitable Hunter 2’-2’3”– Course A
Suitable Hunter 2’-2’3”– Course B
Suitable Hunter – Flat w/t/c
Working Hunter 2’6” - Course A
Working Hunter 2’6” - Course B
Working Hunter 2’6” - Flat w/t/c
Western Classes
12 & Under Western SMS(part of 12 & Under WP Division)
Youth Western Showmanship(part of Youth WP Division)
Adult Western Showmanship(part of Adult WP Division)
Open (Youth/Adult) Mini Horse Showmanship
Open Mini Horse Halter
Youth Ranch Handling
Adult Ranch Handling
Open (youth/adult) Mini Horse Trail In Hand
Open (youth/adult) Trail In Hand
Open (youth/adult) Western Trail
12 & Under WP – 50/50 w/j
12 & Under WP – 100% Rider – w/j
12 & Under WP Pattern – w/j
Open Green Horse/Pony – Western 50/50 w/j
Open Green Horse/Pony – Western 100% Horse – w/j
Open Green Horse/Pony – Western Pattern w/j
Open Novice Rider – Western 50/50 - w/j
Open Novice Rider – Western 100% Rider w/j
Open Novice Rider – Western Pattern w/j
T.I.P. Open TB WP W/J class
Youth Western Pleasure – w/j
Youth WP – GAYP
Youth WP – w/j/l
Youth WP Horsemanship(Pattern)
Youth Ranch - w/j
Youth Ranch Rail work – w/j/l
Youth Ranch Pattern - w/j/l
Adult Western Pleasure – w/j
Adult WP – GAYP
Adult WP – w/j/l
Adult WP Horsemanship (Pattern)
Adult Ranch - w/j
Adult Ranch Rail work – w/j/l
Adult Ranch Pattern - w/j/l
W/T or J = walk/trot or jog
W/T/C or W/J/L = walk/trot/canter or walk/jog/lope
HUS – Hunter Under Saddle
O/F = Over Fences
SMS = Showmanship
WP = Western pleasure
GAYP = Go As You Please
50/50 = 50% horse or pony/50% rider
Champion/Reserve Champion Division Award
Exhibitors must compete in 3 classes within the Division they are entered to be eligible for Champion or Reserve. Some Divisions have 4 classes.
In cases of a tie, the award will be given to the Exhibitor with the highest points in the pattern/over fences class.
Please read over class descriptions and show rules to make sure you(or your horse) qualify for classes and also so no rules are broken.
Pee Wee Walk (Western or English) - This is a walk division for children 9 years of age or younger. An adult may be in the ring with the exhibitor as a spotter only. Exhibitors should be in proper English OR Western attire with Helmets and boots on. Polos are allowed for both english & western. Riders are judged on their equitation, ability to ride, and maneuver their horse/pony at the walk without interference of their spotter. Pee Wee Walk exhibitors are NOT allowed to cross enter into any walk/ trot or jog classes or into Leadline. Leadline(Western or English) - a walk class for children 7 years of age or younger, where rider is to be led by an adult. And judged on equitation and riding ability. Exhibitors should be in proper English OR Western attire with Helmets and boots on. Polos are allowed for both english & western. Leadline exhibitors will NOT be allowed to cross enter into any other classes or divisions. Leadline riders are NOT to cross enter into the Pee Wee Walk class.
Hunter In Hand (All Ages) - Judges evaluate a hunter-type horse in hand, at a walk and trot checking for lameness and quality of movement. Emphasis is placed on smoothness of gait, free-flowing stride and willingness to perform. Exhibitors must wear traditional English attire. Horses/ponies may be shown in bridle or plain leather halter with lead.
The Jockey Club T.I.P. Open Thoroughbred In Hand—open to all Thoroughbreds. To be judged on conformation in line and way of going at a jog. Ribbons for 1st through 6th place will be provided.
12 and Under Hunter - Horses shown by exhibitors who are 12 or younger in age. There is a pattern class. Riders compete on the rail at a walk and trot both ways of the ring, line up and complete an individual pattern. Riders will remain in the ring throughout the individual patterns. Horses will be shown at TWO gaits - walk & trot.
Hunter Under Saddle Classes - A hunter should move in a long, low frame and have the ability to increase its stride and cover ground with ease in a flowing movement. Those moving in an artificial frame with quick, short or choppy strides are not desirable. The hunter should have an interested expression and an alert eye. Hunters must be obedient and should willingly respond to cues of the rider. When asked to extend the trot or for a hand gallop, they should move forward strongly with appropriate forward impulsion. To obtain sufficient impulsion from the hindquarter, the poll should be level with or slightly above the withers. The face should either be on or slightly ahead of the vertical. Horses are to be shown in English tack. Exhibitors must wear traditional English attire(Polo shirts are acceptable). Hardhats are required in these classes, youth exhibitors must have helmets with chin straps.
Equitation - Tests the rider’s ability to ride–not the performance of the horse. Riders are judged as they travel the perimeter of the arena performing gait changes at the judge’s discretion. Emphasis is placed on ability to sit correctly, hold the correct riding posture and control of the horse.
The Jockey Club T.I.P. Thoroughbred English Pleasure Walk/Trot. Ribbons for 1st through 6th place will be provided.
Crossrails - Open to horses & ponies. 4 fences at 18” Course may be trotted. Mounts cannot cross enter into classes jumping more than 2’. Ribbons for 1st through 6th place for each class and Champion/Reserve ribbons will be provided.
Suitable Hunter – This division is offered to our English exhibitors looking to do more over fences classes. It is Open to Youth and Adults, ponies and horses. Exhibitors will be asked to ride two predesignated courses and then finally all come back in the ring for a hack class. Martingales may be used in the over fences classes but must be disconnected in the flat class. Jump heights can be between 2’ and 2’6’ only, lower or higher jump heights are not permitted. Ribbons for 1st through 6th place for each class and Champion/Reserve ribbons will be provided.
Working Hunter Division — Fences not to exceed 2'6" in height. Shall consist of three classes—two (2) over fences and one (1) under saddle. Jump courses should consist of at least seven (7) jumps, to be judged on manners, pace and way of going unless otherwise noted. Under saddle class to be judged at the walk, trot and canter in both directions, and to be judged on manners, movement and way of going. Ribbons for 1st through 6th place for each class and Champion/Reserve ribbons will be provided.
Novice Rider (All Ages) Hunter or Western - Open to riders in their first or second year of showing hunter or western. Open to adult and youth. Will be split adult and youth if entries warrant the split. Riders do not have to show the same horse in hunter and western divisions. Riders are judged on their ability to ride and maneuver their horse/pony at the walk and trot/jog. **Riders that have won Champion for Year End are no longer eligible for this division. Unless they have switched disciplines.**
Green Horse Hunter or Western - This is open to horses in their first or second year of being shown Hunter or Western, regardless of horses' age (Junior or Aged). This is a Walk/ trot or jog division, however horses may cross enter into classes or divisions where they would be asked to canter or lope. Horses are evaluated at the walk, trot/jog, on quality of movement while staying quiet and calm, traveling on a loose rein. Exhibitors in this division MUST present the image of a horse that is a "pleasure" to ride. Horses or Ponies that have won Champion for Year End are no longer eligible for this division. Unless they have switched disciplines.
**A seasoned English horse would qualify in the Western Green Horse division if it is the first or second year being shown western and vice versa**
Showmanship - judged execution of the provided pattern and on how the horse is groomed and presented by the exhibitor to the judge. Open to Hunter and/or Western exhibitors. *Judges will be lenient on saddle marks on any SMS exhibitors’ horses that showed in a trail class before their SMS class. Western Showmanship classes are now part of their respected under saddle classes in 2025. And there is a Hunter Showmanship in 2025.
12 and Under Western - Horses shown by exhibitors who are 12 or younger in age. Riders will compete on the rail at a walk and jog both ways of the ring, line up and complete an individual pattern. Riders will remain in the ring throughout the individual patterns. Horses will be shown at TWO gaits - walk & jog. Like in the Adult and Youth WP, exhibitors in these classes MUST present the image of a horse that is a "pleasure" to ride.
Open Ranch - No silver.
No bling. No fancy clothes. The Ranch Division is made up of the following; ranch
trail, ranch conformation, ranch rail class, and ranch pattern. The purpose of
the Ranch Horse Pleasure class is to reflect the versatility, attitude and
movement of a working horse. The horse’s performance should be indicative of a
working horse riding outside on the ranch/trail. The horse should work at a
forward, working speed while remaining under control at all times. Horses exhibited with light contact on the
reins should be rewarded; loose or full drape of rein is not necessary. Overall
manners, responsiveness of the horse while performing and the horse’s quality
of movement are the primary considerations. The Ranch Division includes the Ranch Halter class!
T.I.P. Thoroughbred Western Pleasure Walk/Jog. Ribbons for 1st through 6th place will be provided.
Western Pleasure Classes(Youth and/or Adult) - Horses are
shown in western tack. Horses are evaluated at the walk, jog, and lope, on
quality of movement while staying quiet and calm and traveling on a loose rein.
Exhibitors in the western pleasure classes MUST present the image of a horse
that is a "pleasure" to ride.
**Horses 6
years old and older MUST be shown one-handed in a shanked bit. Exhibitor's
showing a horse 6 and over in a snaffle two-handed will be penalized or in
shanked bit two-handed will be penalized or disqualified**
Horsemanship - Designed
to test the horsemanship abilities of riders using western tack. Divided into
two sections, riders first follow a prescribed pattern of maneuvers at a walk,
trot or lope. The riders are then asked to ride around the perimeter of the
arena. Judging focuses on the rider’s body position, seat in the saddle and
ability to control the horse.
T.I.P. Monthly High Point Awards:- The Jockey Club T.I.P. High Point English Pleasure Thoroughbred Award will be given to the Thoroughbred at the horse show accumulating the most points toward the award in English Pleasure classes (e.g., w/t, w/t/c). A high point ribbon will be provided for each award.
- The Jockey Club T.I.P. High Point Thoroughbred Hunter Award will be given to the Hunter Thoroughbred at the horse show accumulating the most points toward the award in Hunter classes. A high point ribbon will be provided for each award.
- The Jockey Club T.I.P. High Point Thoroughbred Award will be given to the highest placing Thoroughbred at the competition (regardless of discipline/division). A high point ribbon will be provided for each award.
- The Jockey Club T.I.P. Junior Rider High Point Award will be given to the Thoroughbred/Rider combination accumulating the most points where the rider is 18 years old or younger. A high point ribbon and medal will be provided to the winning horse and rider.
- The Jockey Club T.I.P. High Point Western Pleasure Thoroughbred Award will be given to the Thoroughbred at the horse show accumulating the most points toward the award in western pleasure, western riding and/or western horsemanship classes. A high point ribbon will be provided for each award.
Show Rules,
Regulations and Information
- A CURRENT NEGATIVE COGGINS, dated within the last 12 months, must be left with the Show office during sign-up/check-in.
- California Warm-up/Un-judged rides can be purchased(based on the rate you signed up under) the day of the show for those needing extra schooling.
- The show manager reserves the right to split, combine
or cancel classes.
- We use AHSA/AQHA/APHA horse show rules as a guide for
our classes and divisions.
- Martingales must be removed or disconnected from the noseband prior to the beginning of any/all flat classes. Points will be deducted if not removed or disconnected for flat classes.
- Hardhats are required for all hunter exhibitors, ASTM
approved are required for youth exhibitors. All youth exhibitors helmets must
have chin straps!
- The judge’s decision is final. Any act of discourtesy
towards the judge or show staff will result in forfeiture of fees and dismissal
from the show grounds.
- Copies of the Patterns for all pattern classes will be available at
the judge’s booth at sign in. Copies are also posted on the back of the Judge's Booth for a quick snap on your cell phones. Patterns will be posted online prior to each show date.
- All dogs must be on a leash.
- The parking area is where horses graze, please pick up
your trash and put it in the trash bins provided.
- The barns are off limits to exhibitors, their family
members, and guest, please be attentive to your child/children’s whereabouts
during the shows.
- Horses 6 years of age and older MUST be shown
one-handed in a shanked bit only. Exhibitor's showing a horse 6 years old or older in a
snaffle two-handed will be penalized. Or showing two-handed in a shank bit will
also result in penalization. By penalized we mean not used in class placings(or pinned low) and/or disqualified.
- 12 and Under western exhibitors are exempt from the snaffle bit rule and may show an aged horses in a snaffle bit or a shanked
bit two-handed under the instruction of their trainer or parent, so long as the judge is okay with it too and the show staff are made aware before the classes start. But may still be penalized over an exhibitor riding an aged horse correctly (one-handed in a bit with a shank).
- If an Exhibitor falls off during a class it will result in an automatic Disqualification of that exhibitor, in that class. Unless the class is small and judge wishes to place them place them in the last placing of the class. This is a schooling show and many are just starting out and need some grace as they grow as a rider/show exhibitor.
- Adults are permitted to show Ponies in any class and/or division.
Awards and Points
- Each class will be awarded ribbons 1st thru 6th place.
- You must show at a total of 4 SSF Shows to be
eligible for Year End Awards.
- Points
acquired as follows: 1st +7 points, 2nd +5 points, 3rd +4 points, 4th +3
points, 5th +2 points , 6th +1 point
- Champion/Reserve Champion Division Award - Exhibitors must compete in at least 3 classes of the division they are in, to be eligible for monthly Champion and/or Reserve. In case of a tie the award will be given to the Exhibitor with the highest points in the pattern/over fences class.
- Monthly Champion winners will get 10 points added to that month's earned points. And Monthly Reserve Champion winners will get 5 points added to that month's earned points.
- NEW in 2022 - Shows are T.I.P. Approved!!! (Thoroughbred Incentive Program)
- Pee Wee exhibitors must be under 9 yrs. of age as of
- Leadline exhibitors must be under 7 yrs. of age as of 01/01/2025.
- Youth exhibitors must be under 19 yrs. of age as of 01/01/2025.
- 12 and Under exhibitors must be 12 or younger as of 01/01/2025.
- Junior horse must be under 5 yrs. of age. Proof of age
is required. Horses born prior to 1/1/20 are not eligible.
- Green Horses must not have won 3 blue ribbons in the
previous year and must be in their 1st or 2nd year of showing ONLY.
- Novice riders must not have won 3 blue ribbons in the
previous year and must be in their 1st or 2nd year of showing.
- Leadline and Pee Wee exhibitors may not cross enter
into a class where they would be asked to Trot/Jog, Canter/ Lope. Nor may they
cross enter into either division, a Leadliner may NOT show in the Pee Wee Walk
and vice versa!
Pre- Entry
Rate = $12/per class
Rate = $14/per class
$50 - Returned Check Fee for all returned/bad checks
• Payment
in full or an open check is required at sign in.
• The
whole division must be paid for, if you ride in one class and scratch the
others unless either you or your mount is physically unable to continue.
• Anyone can go into a class unjudged after
the class fees are paid. This is for experience and will not result in a ribbon
or points.
• There
is a $50.00 bad check fee for all Returned checks.
Pre-Entry Rules
- Pre- Entries are available with the use of our online
- All Pre-entries must be received by 10pm on the WEDNESDAY
before the show date. Any forms received
after 10pm will NOT get the pre-entry rate. All forms are time-stamped.
- Pre-entry rate is $2.00 off your regular rate.
- Numbers will be assigned at the time of pre-registration unless an Exhibitor annotates a specific number at time of pre-registration. These numbers are recorded in class sheets and must be used during the class. Exhibitors who have pre-registered do not need to fill out entry forms the day of the show. However, they must check-in prior to the class to get their numbers. Pre-entry numbers must be returned at the end of the show or a $5 fee will be charged. Exhibitors who do not pre-register must complete the entry form the day of the show. Numbers will be provided at time of registration. These numbers must be returned or a $5 fee will be charged.
- The Jockey Club T.I.P. High Point English Pleasure Thoroughbred Award will be given to the Thoroughbred at the horse show accumulating the most points toward the award in English Pleasure classes (e.g., w/t, w/t/c). A high point ribbon will be provided for each award.
- The Jockey Club T.I.P. High Point Thoroughbred Hunter Award will be given to the Hunter Thoroughbred at the horse show accumulating the most points toward the award in Hunter classes. A high point ribbon will be provided for each award.
- The Jockey Club T.I.P. High Point Thoroughbred Award will be given to the highest placing Thoroughbred at the competition (regardless of discipline/division). A high point ribbon will be provided for each award.
- The Jockey Club T.I.P. Junior Rider High Point Award will be given to the Thoroughbred/Rider combination accumulating the most points where the rider is 18 years old or younger. A high point ribbon and medal will be provided to the winning horse and rider.
- The Jockey Club T.I.P. High Point Western Pleasure Thoroughbred Award will be given to the Thoroughbred at the horse show accumulating the most points toward the award in western pleasure, western riding and/or western horsemanship classes. A high point ribbon will be provided for each award.
- A CURRENT NEGATIVE COGGINS, dated within the last 12 months, must be left with the Show office during sign-up/check-in.
- California Warm-up/Un-judged rides can be purchased(based on the rate you signed up under) the day of the show for those needing extra schooling.
- The show manager reserves the right to split, combine or cancel classes.
- We use AHSA/AQHA/APHA horse show rules as a guide for our classes and divisions.
- Martingales must be removed or disconnected from the noseband prior to the beginning of any/all flat classes. Points will be deducted if not removed or disconnected for flat classes.
- Hardhats are required for all hunter exhibitors, ASTM approved are required for youth exhibitors. All youth exhibitors helmets must have chin straps!
- The judge’s decision is final. Any act of discourtesy towards the judge or show staff will result in forfeiture of fees and dismissal from the show grounds.
- Copies of the Patterns for all pattern classes will be available at the judge’s booth at sign in. Copies are also posted on the back of the Judge's Booth for a quick snap on your cell phones. Patterns will be posted online prior to each show date.
- All dogs must be on a leash.
- The parking area is where horses graze, please pick up your trash and put it in the trash bins provided.
- The barns are off limits to exhibitors, their family members, and guest, please be attentive to your child/children’s whereabouts during the shows.
- Horses 6 years of age and older MUST be shown one-handed in a shanked bit only. Exhibitor's showing a horse 6 years old or older in a snaffle two-handed will be penalized. Or showing two-handed in a shank bit will also result in penalization. By penalized we mean not used in class placings(or pinned low) and/or disqualified.
- 12 and Under western exhibitors are exempt from the snaffle bit rule and may show an aged horses in a snaffle bit or a shanked bit two-handed under the instruction of their trainer or parent, so long as the judge is okay with it too and the show staff are made aware before the classes start. But may still be penalized over an exhibitor riding an aged horse correctly (one-handed in a bit with a shank).
- If an Exhibitor falls off during a class it will result in an automatic Disqualification of that exhibitor, in that class. Unless the class is small and judge wishes to place them place them in the last placing of the class. This is a schooling show and many are just starting out and need some grace as they grow as a rider/show exhibitor.
- Adults are permitted to show Ponies in any class and/or division.
- Each class will be awarded ribbons 1st thru 6th place.
- You must show at a total of 4 SSF Shows to be eligible for Year End Awards.
- Points acquired as follows: 1st +7 points, 2nd +5 points, 3rd +4 points, 4th +3 points, 5th +2 points , 6th +1 point
- Champion/Reserve Champion Division Award - Exhibitors must compete in at least 3 classes of the division they are in, to be eligible for monthly Champion and/or Reserve. In case of a tie the award will be given to the Exhibitor with the highest points in the pattern/over fences class.
- Monthly Champion winners will get 10 points added to that month's earned points. And Monthly Reserve Champion winners will get 5 points added to that month's earned points.
- NEW in 2022 - Shows are T.I.P. Approved!!! (Thoroughbred Incentive Program)
• The whole division must be paid for, if you ride in one class and scratch the others unless either you or your mount is physically unable to continue.
• Anyone can go into a class unjudged after the class fees are paid. This is for experience and will not result in a ribbon or points.
• There is a $50.00 bad check fee for all Returned checks.
- Pre- Entries are available with the use of our online form.
- All Pre-entries must be received by 10pm on the WEDNESDAY before the show date. Any forms received after 10pm will NOT get the pre-entry rate. All forms are time-stamped.
- Pre-entry rate is $2.00 off your regular rate.
- Numbers will be assigned at the time of pre-registration unless an Exhibitor annotates a specific number at time of pre-registration. These numbers are recorded in class sheets and must be used during the class. Exhibitors who have pre-registered do not need to fill out entry forms the day of the show. However, they must check-in prior to the class to get their numbers. Pre-entry numbers must be returned at the end of the show or a $5 fee will be charged. Exhibitors who do not pre-register must complete the entry form the day of the show. Numbers will be provided at time of registration. These numbers must be returned or a $5 fee will be charged.